Tea with milk!

On In Learning About Tea, Tea Blog

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world and can be enjoyed in various ways. One of the most debated topics in the tea world is whether you should drink tea with or without milk. Most people swear in adding milk in tea, while some are against it. Let’s explore the different ways tea can be enjoyed, with or without milk, as well as the reasons behind each preference.

Should I drink black tea with milk?

Black tea with milk is a classic combination that has been enjoyed for centuries. Adding milk can soften the bitterness of strong teas, creating a softer, creamier texture and flavor. Some people prefer to add a drop of milk, while others prefer a regular sip. If you’re wondering “why don’t I like tea?”, first make sure you try drinking your tea with cow’s or with vegan milk.

.Darjeeling, English Breakfast and Earl Grey with milk!

There are many different types of black tea, and some are more sensitive than others, so it’s perfectly normal to enjoy some types of black tea without milk. Darjeeling is a tea we suggest you drink without milk. On the other hand, both English Breakfast and Earl Grey can be drank with or without milk!

What about green tea and milk?

Does milk go well with green tea? This question comes up all the time. Green tea is delicate and therefore usually enjoyed without milk, adding milk to green tea tends to neutralize the delicate flavor of tea and creates a much less enjoyable experience. However, if you want to remove acidity from a bitter green tea, adding a pinch of lemon or a little honey can really be a game changer.. Of course, the decision to add milk to green tea is up to you, but if we talk about delivery, milk in green tea is prohibitive.

Can I put milk in herbal tea and herbal teas?

Infusions and herbal teas are a completely different story. As they are not made from the Camellia Sinensis plant, they are not technically considered teas (we just call them “tea” to keep things simple). As a result, there are no “strict” rules on whether or not to add milk. Some people enjoy a drop of milk in herbal tea, especially in mixtures like Rooibos. However, if you want to take full advantage of the benefits of herbs, it’s usually best to drink most herbs without milk.

Add milk first or last?

Oh, the age-old debate about whether to add milk first or last. The general consensus is that milk should be added last. This is because adding milk first can reduce the water temperature below the 100°C necessary for the best possible yield of black tea. Preparation at a lower temperature will affect the quality of your decoction.

Also, if you add a lot of milk first, you may not be able to strike the right balance of tea and milk, so all hope is lost as you look at a pale, ghostly cup and wonder where it all went so wrong. Save yourself the trouble and contradiction and add the milk last!

How much milk should I put in my tea?

As with most things related to tea, the amount of milk you should add to your tea is a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer just one drop of milk, while others add enough to create a creamy latte-like texture. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment and find the perfect balance of tea and milk for your tastes.

Can I use alternative milk in tea?

Yes, you definitely can! Alternative milks, such as almond, soy and oat milk, have become increasingly popular in recent years and can be used as a substitute for dairy milk in tea. Just be aware that each type of alternative milk will taste and texture slightly differently, so it may take some experimentation to find the best one for your tastes. Also, keep in mind that some milk alternatives may not mix as well with tea, so be prepared for some trial and error.


In conclusion, the decision to drink tea with or without milk depends on your personal preference. Milk can help soothe the bitterness of black tea, but it’s usually not added to green tea or already soft and delicate white tea. Herbal drinks and infusions are a different story, as there are no strict rules about whether or not to add milk. When it comes to adding milk, it is best to add it last to avoid cooling the temperature of the water and the impact on the quality of your tea.
